Romantic Era
Romantic Era The Romantic Era had many different styles, there was the Romantic style, Realist style, Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Photography, and Art Nouveau. I personally prefer the Impressionism style. I really like the Impressionist style because of the details, brush strokes, and backstory to the paintings. My least favorite style from the Romantic style is the Realist style. I don’t prefer the Realist style because of the details and backstory. Realist Style I chose to share the style I dislike more first and share the style I prefer for last. The realist style was developed in the mid 1800’s and was an art style that was a reaction against Romanticism. Most Realist paintings were painted with livestock, farm workers, middle class, and ordinary activities. Realist style, also known as realism, is an artistic style of detailed depiction of nature or contemporary life. “The Floor Scrapers” by Gustave Caillebotte 1875 Paris (102 cm x 146.5 cm) The first paint...